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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Background Checks

The big controversy now in online dating is the background check dilemma. Many of the states are beginning to suggest legislation that would require online dating websites to perform background checks on its members or state if they do not.  This is creating quite a stir in the online dating world and with members both for and against the online date background checking rules.

The complete controversy began when the online dating scene was still fresh.  This happened with a website that signed an exclusive contract with the Internet’s largest background checking service so that members could be sure that they were not conversing with the criminals.  This at first may seem like a good idea since it will protect online daters from sharing personal information with people that have been known for sexual offenders or have committed fraud or other types of criminal acts. However this website than began pushing legislation that would require online dating websites to perform background checks.

This website has an exclusive contract and they would then force other websites to use more expensive background checking tools, and so the subscription fees would be more expensive. This would be controversial and also created a lot of free advertising for the initial background checking website.  To say the least, it was a way to rise above the competition. This however, did not come to light until many politicians had already jumped on with the background checking idea.

Checking a person’s background can be a good thing. It can prevent online scams from reoccurring and help people feel safe about using online dating websites. However it is also a type of invasion of privacy and many people will avoid online dating websites because they do not want a background check and people do change.

This is a situation that will be sure to be in the news for many years to come.  There are already a few states that passed a law that will require background checks.  Users and online dating websites do have mixed feeling about this and before you say your opinion you should be sure to understand both sides of the argument.  Making background checks mandatory could create a better online dating service for everyone.  However it could also mean that the free services would no longer be available and subscription services would be more expensive than they are now.  To learn more about the online dating website background checks that are out there in your state, you need to contact your local legislator’s office and ask about multiple questions. You should voice your opinion and you can create change.

Background Checks

Looking For a New Job? Are You Sure You Can Pass the Background Check?

People get turned down for jobs every day.  Some applicants don’t have the right experience and others don’t interview well.  But there’s another major reason that candidates don’t get job offers, one that hiring companies rarely share with applicants – they didn’t pass the background check.

Companies are taking a closer look at who they hire today.  From heightened security concerns to an increase in negligent hiring lawsuits, companies understand that bad hiring decisions can cause them big problems.

That’s why over 90% of employers now run background checks on potential hires.

During a background check, a hiring company takes a good look at your personal and professional history.  They verify your education and past employment, check to see if there is criminal activity in your past, and talk to your references. Some companies may even look at your driving record, credit history or previous drug testing results.

To run a thorough background check, a company needs some very specific information from you.  For example, they need contact information for your former employers and the names of your previous supervisors.

This type of detailed information is typically not found on a resume, even one that is professionally prepared. So companies have candidates fill out a job application that is specifically designed to get the information that’s required to run a complete background check.

How you fill out a company’s job application is directly tied to whether or not you get the job.  In fact, over 80% of companies say that discrepancies on a job application can take a candidate out of consideration.

When you fill out a job application, you want to make sure that your information is complete and easy to verify. However, there are lots of situations that can cause problems for an applicant. Here are a few:

What kind of contact information do you provide for a former employer that has gone out of business?

If you worked for a company through a temporary agency, who do you list as the employer?

If you were fired from your previous job, should you leave it off the application?

How you answer these and other questions can make the difference between a swift and successful background check and one that grinds to a halt because information can’t be verified.  Human resources will usually caution against hiring someone whose information is hard to read, has gaps or inconsistencies, or is lacking important details.

A successful job search requires a professional-looking resume, strong interviewing skills, and a can-do attitude.  These tools will get you in the door and help you make the final cut.

But if you don’t pass the background check, you won’t get the job.

Take the time to prepare the detailed information that will go on your job application.  It’s one of the best things you can do in your job search.

background check, pre-employment screening, job search, career, job application

Monday, February 20, 2012

Importance of Good Records

The Importance of Good Records

Keeping your own records of any medical care that you and your immediate family have received is the only way to be sure that your insurance and bills are free from mistakes. It may seem unimportant now, but later in life when you try to get life insurance or get treatment that is appropriate for you, the importance will be in the spotlight. Everything from your allergies to your payment records with medical facilities can hurt you if they are wrong in your report. You could be given improper treatment or even denied treatment at all. By keeping your own records, you can dispute anything that is false.

Would you believe that you could be denied a job because of something erroneous on your medical records? It is true; if you are reported to have a disability, whether it is true or not, you could be turned down. You would be labeled as a risk, especially if the company offers insurance; they would know that you are going to cost more money to employ. The same goes for applying for health insurance where your medical records show that you would require prescription drugs, doctor visits, and increased chance of emergencies. It is quite the ordeal if you do in fact have a disability, but imaging if you did not have one at all—you would be turned down for insurance, while also being completely ineligible for disability financial help.

An example of a mistake that could be made on your record would be a diagnosis error. Perhaps you request that your doctor check a suspicious lump in your breast. On the first visit he may suspect that it is cancer. Most people will get a second opinion or go for a more thorough conclusive examination. If the second doctor decides that it is only a cyst and has it removed, your personal records would show that you are cancer-free. However, if this visit was documented incorrectly, or not at all, you may have trouble getting insured and not know why. If you had a record of the second visit that found the cyst, this situation would be easily disputed and your record would be accurate.

Human error is simply a part of life, even on medical documents. It is important to always keep your own records so that insurance companies get accurate information about you and your health condition. If you are being turned down for insurance and do not know why, you are best advised to be sure that you are not being misrepresented within your medical records. This problem can be cleared up quickly and easily if you are responsible enough to keep your own personal records.

Cheating Partner? Check Phone Records

Got a Cheating Partner?  How and Why You Should Check Phone Records

Do you suspect that your spouse is cheating on you?  If you do, you may be looking for proof.  One of the most common ways that this proof is obtained is by spying.  Unfortunately, you may be uncomfortable doing so or you may not have the financial resources needed to hire a private investigator.  If that is the case, there is another way that you can try to catch a cheating spouse.  You can do so with their cell phone.

Many cheating spouses use their cell phones as an easy means of communication.  In fact, did you know that many will use their cell phones as opposed to the family phone?  Many do so because there is less of a chance that you or someone else, like one of your children, will pickup the phone instead.  Since cell phones are a common means of communication for cheating spouses, you should use this to your advantage.

What it is important to know about cell phones is that they keep very accurate records.  All cell phones, even those that are older, keep a call log.  Often times, the calls that are made, the calls that are received, and the calls that are missed are recorded.  You should be provided with a date and a time.  If you can get a hold of your partner’s cell phone, do it.  Even if you have to grab the phone in the middle of the night and check its history in the bathroom, do so.

When checking your partner’s cell phone for suspicious activity, you will want to be on the lookout for names or telephone numbers that you do not recognize.  Also, look for constant calls to or from a certain number.  If your partner is calling one number multiple times a day or everyday, they may be cheating on you.  In addition to checking the call log, also examine picture messages and text messages.  These are easier to delete, but many cheaters do not take the simple step needed to do so because they don’t believe that they will get caught.

In addition to the cell phone itself, you can also use cell phone bills as method to catch a cheater.  This works best if you are married to your partner or if you live with them, as it should be easy for you to gain access to their cell phone.  Does your partner’s cell phone bill list the phone numbers that are called or the phone numbers that text messages were sent to?  If it does, be on the lookout for unknown numbers or repeated communication. 

Although not all cell phone bills itemize information, like on the phone calls received or placed, many companies do give you the option of doing so.  If you are the one who is responsible for paying the cell phone bill or if you are married, you may be able to change the format of your partner’s cell phone bill.  A quick call or email to the cell phone company should be enough to catch your cheating partner the next time that the phone bill arrives.

The above mentioned steps are just a few of the many easy ways that you can use your partner’s cell phone and cell phone bill to see if they are cheating on you.  If you see that your partner hangs up the phone whenever you enter the room or if they lower their voice, there is a good chance that they are hiding something from you.

Adoption Records

Adoption Records

 Requirements for gathering information for adoption records are different in each state.  Information about the child being adopted or the family putting the child up for adoption in put together by the adoption agency or the local Division of Social Services.  A home study is done to gatherer information about the family and the parents of the child being put up for adoption.

Information collected on the child being adopted for the adoption records are basically the same in most states, it includes: medical and genetic history, a family and social background, mental health history, religious background, ethnic and racial background, and education level attained.  There are some states that require more information such as dental history, immunization records, developmental history, and of course school records.  Some adoption Records also hold information on whether or not the child being put up for adoption is eligible for any state of federal adoption assistance.  Those states include: Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Texas, and Vermont.

The adoption records also include information on the birth parents and the birth family of the child being put up for adoption.  This information is gathered during a home study as well and it includes information such as the medical and genetic history of the family, the family and social background, a mental health history of the family, a religious background, and the level of education attained by the parents.  Some states require also the physical appearance, talents, hobbies, field of occupation, and a list of any drugs the birth mother toke during her pregnancy with the child.  There are a few states that if obtainable, will also provide the adoptive parents with the names, addresses and any other identifying information about the birth family.  These states are Colorado, New York, and American Samoa.

You should of course also find information on the adoptive family in the adoption records.  Once a family has been chosen for a child they do a check on the family to make sure that the home will be suitable for the child being adopted.  The information that they collect is relatively simple.  When they do the home study for the adoptive family they include such things as a criminal background check, and they also check with the local child abuse registry.  They will also include the adoptive parents' physical health, emotional maturity, financial situation, and a family and social background.

Montana seems to be the hardest state to adopt from, they ask for Employment history, history of drug and alcohol abuse, racial ethnic background, and a history of domestic violence.  Montana isn't the only state that asks for these, they are the only one that asks for all of them.  Michigan, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, West Virginia, Puerto Rico, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Colorado, Illinois, Arizona, and the District of Columbia also ask for some of these items for the adoption records.

When the paper work for the adoption records is final and the judge has signed it, depending on what form of adoption they have done the adoption record is sealed and completely confidential, or is left open for all to see.  If the adoption record is sealed it generally stays that way until the adopted child comes of age.